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FreedAum : from Becoming to Being through Breath

  • 12 Steps


An elevated biohacking breathwork audio course for higher harmony, compassionate coherence and true awakening to Self-realization with quantum sound healing. Treat your guests like God. The breath is a guest visiting the body and brings with it enormous potential for healing. How we treat the breath can result in a humbling journey home to our sovereign potential/ Self- actualization. The goal is not to become a good meditator. It is to live a more fulfilling life. You can’t always control your circumstances. What you can control is how you breathe in response. This influences the chemical and electrical relationship to the moment. The quality of breath pattern determines a trauma bond or fluid release. Breath controls the heart and blood and that is directly linked to how you feel and perceive. When your breath mechanics becomes more harmonious with healthy patterns, your decision making becomes clear and correct. When the breath is rhythmic and circular it invites coherence between all the organs and systems in the body, promoting the heart to melt open. The heart is a cosmic instrument of energy. When it opens there is direct access to intuition and an extravagant surge of electrical and magnetic force or vibrational harmonies that are far beyond any expected beauty. It is one of the most powerful centres in existence. 10 day audio course of short insights followed by a breathwork session to support the integration.

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